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About ScaleHealth

What is ScaleHealth? An Innovation Marketplace connecting leading Health Organizations with Future Forward Solutions.

ScaleHealth Portal and Architect

What is the Portal? The ScaleHealth Portal is our members-only platform where you can access the Architect (the backbone of ScaleHealth and the key centerpiece for how we support you along your journey). The Architect is a series of insights, opportunities and pieces of content tailored to your company and your stage – each one geared towards putting you in a position to succeed. Paid members can use the Portal to request introductions to advisors, partners, and other community startups. Additionally, you can connect directly with the ScaleHealth team by utilizing the Concierge feature for any of your unique needs.

How can I change or update my company or membership information via the Portal? It is important to make sure your company profile is frequently updated with the most current information so that the ScaleHealth team can make the appropriate connections to help you move your innovation forward. You can easily update your company profile by clicking the “Your Profile” button on the left side navigation on the Portal.

What is the Architect?

The Architect is a series of insights, activities, and pieces of content tailored to your company and your stage – each one geared towards putting you in a position to capitalize on opportunities as they arise. Through the Architect, you’re able to meet other advisors and partners of ScaleHealth and understand exactly what health organizations, corporations and investors are looking for. The more you engage with this content and the people that the Architect recommends, the more you hone your product and hit key milestones.

How do I request introductions within the ScaleHealth ecosystem?

Access to our network of advisors, investors and more are accessible via the Portal for paid members only. Free members can upgrade their membership through the Portal. Introductions are managed and handled differently depending on who you’re looking to meet with. In order for our team to process requests from all community members, you are limited to a maximum of 5 outstanding requests at any given time.

  • For introductions to other community members, advisors or service provider partners: Browse the respective lists and select the “request an introduction” button for those whom you’re interested in meeting. Selecting the “request an introduction” button will make a direct email introduction between you and the person you’re looking to connect with. Please be sure to elaborate on your reason for requesting the introduction so that the receiving party has the appropriate knowledge to properly follow up.
  • For introductions to investors, providers, payors, etc:  Browse the respective lists and select the “request an introduction” button for those whom you’re interested in meeting. Selecting the button will alert the ScaleHealth team of your interest in connecting with that organization. The ScaleHealth team will facilitate introductions based on how well the company information you provide us via the Architect matches with the needs/interest of that given partner. As you’re requesting the introduction, please be sure to elaborate on your reason for requesting the introduction so that our team has the appropriate knowledge to properly facilitate the potential connection. If the team determines that you are ready for a specific introduction, we will reach out to the investor or partner on your behalf and make a direct introduction to the organization via email if they indicate interest in meeting with you. You will be updated on the progress of our outreach via the Portal.

How are potential introductions evaluated?

Access to our network of advisors, investors and more are accessible via the Portal for paid members only. Free members can upgrade their membership through the Portal. Potential introductions are evaluated in a few different ways. The ScaleHealth team will observe your progress through Architect activities and review the financial/traction information you provide us on your company profile to determine if you’re at the right stage to meet with a given partner or investor. Similar to how we collect information from each company, we also keep a record of the areas of interest/needs for each partner in our ecosystem so that we can appropriately make connections. The ScaleHealth team will also take into consideration the reason why you’ve expressed interest in meeting with a certain individual or organization, so please try to be as detailed as possible as you’re requesting introductions. This is all to say, keeping your company profile up to date with the most current information is crucial to receiving introductions! If our team needs more information to inform our decision to make introductions, we will reach out to you directly via email!

What is the timing of potential introductions? 

The timing of introductions varies depending on who you’re requesting to meet. Our team can make introductions to advisors, service providers or additional community members within a few days, while introductions to partners like health systems, payors, investors, etc. may take a few weeks to materialize.

How can I increase my likelihood of receiving introductions to ScaleHealth partners, investors and advisors? The #1 way to increase your likelihood of introductions is to engage with the Architect by working through our series of tailored educational content, applying for opportunities with our partners and making sure your company information is up to date via your profile and Traction.

What should I do if I’m having technical trouble while trying to utilize the ScaleHealth Portal or Architect? Please reach out to the Concierge within the Portal if you’re having any technical issues while utilizing the Portal or Architect.

ScaleHealth Concierge

What is the concierge?

The Concierge is a direct line to the ScaleHealth team. Before reaching out via our concierge service, please take a moment to review this detailed FAQ that can help you manage membership and billing, portal/architect-related questions, etc. If you’re unable to find the answer to your question, please ask our concierge team for assistance. You can also use the Concierge to ask the ScaleHealth team for assistance with things like hiring, business development, promotion, etc.

ScaleHealth Slack Channel

What is the ScaleHealth Slack Channel and why should I be an active user?

The ScaleHealth Slack channel is accessible for only paid members. If you are a Free member and would like to upgrade your membership you can do so via the Portal. Being active in the Slack channel can tremendously increase the value of your ScaleHealth membership. With over 800+ unique members, the ScaleHealth Slack channel is a place for current members, advisors, partners and investors to hear announcements from the ScaleHealth team and our larger ecosystem. Use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself to the community, share exciting announcements or achievements, ask questions of advisors or like-minded founders, and discover how you can participate in ScaleHealth events, programs and demo days.

How do I access ScaleHealth’s Slack Channel?

Upon joining ScaleHealth as a Paid member, you should have received an email with access instructions to join our private Slack community. Clicking the link in the email will allow you to either create your own account username and password for new Slack users or integrate our Slack channel to your current account. If you’re having any trouble accessing the slack channel, please utilize the Portal Concierge to ask for help.

Where can I reference the terms of my membership? 

You can reference the terms of your ScaleHealth membership by selecting “Your Profile” on the left navigation of the Portal. From there, you should be able to review your Membership Agreement.

Where should I go if I have any questions regarding my membership? 

Please take a moment to review this detailed FAQ that can help you manage membership and billing, portal/architect-related questions, etc. If you’re unable to find the answer to your question, please ask the Concierge via the Portal for assistance. 

Account Info and Billing

What is the process for upgrading, downgrading, or canceling my membership?

If you are interested in any of the above, please reach out via the Concierge. From there, you will be connected with a team member to help process the upgrade, downgrade, or cancellation of your membership. Reminder, all memberships term includes a 30-day notice prior to any changes or cancellation.

How can I update my billing information? Please go to “Your Profile” and under “Billing Information” is where you can update and change your method of billing.

ScaleHealth “12 Floor” Los Angeles HQ

Are there events at the ScaleHealth LA HQ?

Yes! We often host networking events at the ScaleHealth LA Office. In-person events are announced via slack or email.

Can I stop by to say hello?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in the LA area and would like to stop by to check out the 12th Floor, please email our Receptionist, Autumn Wiley


What are roundtables and office hours?

Periodically, we host virtual office hours and casual roundtables where our member companies can ask questions and receive guidance from our advisors and partners.

What are demo days?

At least once per month, we invite executives from our provider, payor and corporate partners to hear presentations from 3-5 ScaleHealth member companies. The companies that have an opportunity to present during these sessions are selected based on their traction in the Architect and the specific needs of the partners. The goal in this scenario is to get follow-up meetings and secure pilots. Monthly, we also hold demo opportunities between ScaleHealth startups and our network of advisors and thought leaders as an opportunity to receive feedback and support. Selection criteria for both partner demos and advisor demos are the same.

What is the ScaleHealth Summit?

Several times per year we convene the whole ScaleHealth Family together for a day of speeches, pitches, and breakout sessions. We can’t recommend attending these events enough as there is no better way to learn from, and set meetings, with thought leaders and decision-makers from top healthcare institutions.

Who can participate in ScaleHealth programs/events?

ScaleHealth roundtables, office hours and demo days are typically invite-only or members-only events (free membership excluded). The ScaleHealth Summit is our way to bring the community together to move health innovation forward, so the Summit is open to external guests.

Where can I learn more about upcoming programs/events?

ScaleHealth programs and events are announced through our community Slack Channel and via email.